20180514 - 1930HRS



We are children of God first, ministers to people second, leaders third.


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age." - Matt 28:19-20

We accomplish this by living out our values. We gather to provide experiences, worship opportunities that are meaningful, practical, and fun; so that we might engage the community around us, being "salt and light" as the Body of Christ.

On our website, we tell people to expect "Friendly people, great coffee, awesome music & weekly teachings that are practical, understandable, relatable and funny…. You can also expect to smile & be glad you came.."


What is the general condition from your perspective?

General condition from my perspective is we are limping along & there needs to be greater buy in & ownership

How do you feel we are doing?

I feel in some ways we are doing well... some people are experiencing growth & good life change, but organizationally we are not in good shape. Turn over and poor leadership on my part has left us in a tough spot.


We can't outgive God.

Relevant verses:

What does this mean? A lifestyle of holistic worship

How do we do this? Give of our time, talent, & treasure

How can we improve? I don’t know

We can't do life alone.

Relevant verses:

What does this mean? Intentional about community with 2-5 people who challenge you not just agree with you

How do we do this? Open up & share yourself with some friends

How can we improve? Actually start doing it

Saved people serve people.

Relevant verses:

What does this mean? Everyone has gifts & talents to be used to bless & benefit other believers in our community of faith

How do we do this? Discover, develop, deploy

How can we improve? Stop doing everything myself

Growing people change.

Relevant verses:

What does this mean? We are walking the path of holistic growth

How do we do this? Be Intentional about personal development

How can we improve? Create clear paths & expectations for people to take next steps

Found people find people.

Relevant verses:

What does this mean? We share our faith honestly and freely, loving people back to life.

How do we do this? We talk about what’s important to us & we do what matters most

How can we improve? Fall more in love with Jesus

We are children of God first, ministers to people second, leaders third.